OK State Homeschool Organization
HSOK is a statewide organization that advocates for homeschool freedom and works to encourage parents throughout their homeschool journey.
Christian Home Educators Fellowship of Oklahoma (CHEFOK)
CHEFOK members are from the Tulsa metro area and surrounding areas in northeastern Oklahoma. CHEF is a volunteer non-profit organization that is dedicated to supporting Christian homeschool families.
OK Homeschool Law
There are no reporting or testing requirements in Oklahoma. Homeschool families are required to teach for 180 days per year but are able to choose their own curriculum. More information can be found at the Oklahoma Department of Education, Christian Home Educators Fellowship of Oklahoma, Homeschool Oklahoma, and Home School Legal Defense Association.

OK Homeschool Events and Field Trip Destinations
Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center
Chisholm Trail Heritage Center
Medicine Park Aquarium & Natural Sciences Center
National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum
No Man’s Land Historical Society
Oklahoma City National Memorial

Is homeschooling for you?
The community of homeschool families is diverse. One study reports that 41% of homeschool students are Hispanic, Black, Asian, or other non-White/non-Hispanic groups (2). Homeschoolers come from all faiths – Christians, Jews, Muslims, agnostics, atheists. Teaching parents have a range of formal education, from high school diplomas to graduate degrees, and cover the array of household incomes.
How do you homeschool?
While laws regulating home education vary from state to state, homeschooling IS legal in all 50 states. Many states offer more than one option. One of the first steps in your family’s homeschool journey is to become familiar with the laws in your state. Then the fun begins!
Click on your state below for resources on homeschool regulations, state homeschool organizations, homeschool conventions in your area (here’s why these are amazing for new and experienced homeschool parents), as well as other homeschool perks in your state.
Information pages are being added for EVERY state. Subscribe so you don’t miss the resources for your state.
Disclaimer: Please note that the information on this page is provided for your convenience as a research tool and resource as to where to find the information you need to homeschool in your state. The team at 3 Moms Blog are not attorneys. This content has not been reviewed by an attorney. It is not legal advice.
Brian D. Ray. (2017) A systematic review of the empirical research on selected aspects of homeschooling as a school choice, Journal of School Choice, 11:4, 604-621, accessed April 7, 2023 at https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15582159.2017.1395638
US Department of Education. (2019) Homeschooling in the United States: Results from the 2012 and 2016 Parent and Family Involvement Survey (PFINHES: 2012 and 2016). Accessed 4/7/2023 at https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2020/2020001.pdf