AZ State Homeschool Organization
Arizona Families for Home Education (AFHE) is a statewide homeschool organization that has been serving families since 1983.
AZ Homeschool Law
Arizona homeschool families have to file an affidavit of intent, provide a copy of the child’s birth certificate, and teach the required subjects. If a parent moves from one county or decides to stop homeschooling they must file a letter of termination. For more information about these options as well as other helpful information on homeschooling in Arizona on the State Legislature website, the Home School Legal Defense Association, and Arizona Families for Home Education.

AZ Homeschool Events and Field Trip Destinations
AFHE Home Education Convention
If you homeschool in AZ or are thinking of it, this event is a must! The convention includes a high school graduation. Here are the workshop sessions that Antoinette hosted at the last convention. AFHE also hosts a day at the capitol, picnics, and a leadership conference.
AFHE membership is a bargain and has its benefits! Not only do they provide you with important information about homeschooling and connect you with the homeschool community statewide, your membership supports the preservation of homeschool freedom as they watch legislation that may affect parents’ rights to teach their children at home in Arizona. Plus, you get discounts with other homeschool companies.
Arizona Jewish Historical Society Cutler Plotkin Jewish Heritage Center
The Arizona Jewish Historical Society preserves and celebrates the rich heritage of Arizona’s Jewish communities and Arizona’s history through arts, culture, and educational programming.
The AJHS has an impressive community archive with over 50,000 photographs, documents, and artifacts pertaining to Jewish history in Arizona and the Southwest, as well as over 300 recorded oral and video histories of local residents. When you visit, say hi to Antoinette’s cousin, Anthony Fusco Jr. (Tony), Education Coordinator at the AZJHS.
They also host a free, monthly online book discussion group that may be of interest to high school students and parents.
The ASC offers a TON of different programs, including online learning, free educator membership with your homeschool affidavit (or $30 discount on a family membership), and field trips that provide a rich learning experience and create excitement for learning science through hands-on exhibits and activities.
Step back in time through this over 100-year-old log cabin, with its original floors, windows, fireplace, and many artifacts that belonged to James Schultz, Lone Wolf and his wife Naomi. The log cabin’s name “Apuni Oyis” in Blackfeet was inspired by the countless butterflies in the meadows surrounding the cabin.
The lodge houses painted images and sculptures of the West, both of which found inspiration from this little cabin and its surroundings.
The museum offers three floors of fun, educational, multi-sensory experiences to explore. Exhibits are hands-on and interactive to engage the minds, muscles, and imaginations of children 10 and under.
The museum focuses on learning through play. The average visit is between 2 and 3 hours.
Hiking and wildlife watching to delight the family and a variety of changing educational events. If you’re between ages 6–12, you can become a Junior Ranger at Dead Horse Ranch State Park! They also offer a free boating safety coloring book download.
The Desert Botanical Garden is sure to help you enjoy the beauty of the desert. The 140 acres include 55 acres under cultivation and feature 50,000+plant displays showcased in beautiful outdoor exhibits, 95,900 herbarium specimens, 4,482 species in the Living Collection, and 519 rare and endangered species in care at the Garden.
Earth and Space Expedition Center
Field trips for homeschool groups feature hands-on activities and educational programs that make learning about space fun and engaging. The dedicated tours and field trips feature interactive displays and games that teach important science concepts in a way that is easy for young minds to understand. With a variety of activity-based workshops, you and your students will learn something new in a fun and engaging way!
Grand Canyon National Park encompasses 278 miles of the Colorado River and adjacent uplands. Located on ancestral homeland of 11 Associated Tribes, Grand Canyon is one of the most spectacular examples of erosion anywhere in the world—unmatched in the incomparable vistas it offers visitors from the rims. This American icon offers hiking, ranger programs, and lodging.
The Hall of Flame Museum offers many opportunities for the community to experience the museum, including Storytime Tours, field trips with special tours and educational programs, and other special events.
Field trip tours have two objectives. First, students learn about the basics of firefighting from a historical perspective, beginning with the hand-drawn engines of the 18th century and finishing with modern firefighting methods. Second, tour leaders demonstrate the principles of fire safety behavior. Kids watch a fire safety video and visit the fire safety exhibit area, where they can prepare an escape plan, practice stop – drop – roll, inspect a house for fire safety violations, and learn how to call 9-1-1. They also get to dress up in firefighter uniforms and climb aboard the museum’s 1951 American La France fire engine. Fun!
The Phoenix Art Museum offers opportunities for the community to see art and experience some of the most remarkable cultural events in the Valley with reduced or free admission with Pay-What-You-Wish-Wednesdays, Phxart AfterHours, and Phxart Family Fundays.
Docent tours are free with Museum admission. The Highlights Tour gives a closer look at works representative of the Museum’s broad collection and may include works on loan. The Special Exhibition Tour offers a close look at works in current special-engagement exhibitions.
Explore the zoo with a self-guided field trip or enhance your trip with a guide-led excursion. You can even explore what the Zoo has to offer from the comfort of your own home, school, or organization through one of the virtual field trips on their site.
Don’t miss the Homeschool Days held in November and February, perfect for homeschool groups and families with learners 5-17 years old, though all ages are welcome. The morning dedicated to homeschoolers is filled with STEM-based learning stations, animal interactions, and exploration of science-based careers. Stations feature camera trapping, behavioral enrichment, information on palm oil consumption, bird watching, and so much more. Participants also have full access to zoo exhibits for the entire day.
Sonoita Creek State Natural Area
Sonoita Creek is a spectacularly scenic place filled with wildlife, interesting vegetation, history, and opportunities to explore. Visitors enjoy a pleasant climate, hiking, astronomy, winemaking, and the brilliant light that artists love. Guided bird walks and boat tours may be of particular interest to homeschool families.
Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center
Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center (SWCC) rescues native wild animals that have lost their homes to development or are found injured, orphaned, or abandoned. The wildlife sanctuary shares its knowledge and passion for animals through education and helps children learn how to safely coexist with native Arizona wildlife. Check out the Walk with Wildlife, Full Moon, and Friday Night Twilight Tours, in addition to homeschool classes.
Homeschool groups get an up-close view of Southwest Wildlife while learning the compelling stories of sanctuary residents. The two-hour tours are led by experienced guides and take place completely outdoors.
Children’s Museum Tucson (CMT) has 17,000 square feet of space with 10 indoor exhibits and a beautiful outdoor courtyard with lots of space for kids to play and imagine. Exhibits and programs are geared toward kids up to 10 years old. Field trips include guided learning, an activity or demonstration, and museum exploration.
The Oro Valley, Tohono Chul location has daily activities and programming for kids and families that will mesh with the natural focus of Tohono Chul, the culture, animals, and plants of our Sonoran Desert region. Be sure to explore the gardens.
In the heart of the valley, a thousand years ago, people began to build a little hilltop pueblo that would grow into one of the largest villages in the area.Water flows under and through this landscape, feeding the growth of people and towns. The Verde Valley is watered by snowmelt, summer monsoons, and springs that well up from the ancient sedimentary rocks.
Hike the trails and explore Tavasci Marsh; the perennial wetlands are home to a unique variety of wildlife and plant life. Visit the Pueblo at Tuzigoot and explore the wonders of the 1,000-year-old 110-room hilltop pueblo. Catch a glimpse of prehistoric life in central Arizona and learn more about the Sinagua people. Explore the museum and learn about artifacts found on-site to catch a glimpse of life in ancient Arizona.
Wildlife World Zoo, Aquarium & Safari Park has Arizona’s largest collection of exotic and endangered animals with more than 600 separate species, rides, a petting zoo, and daily shows. They offer trips for kindergarten through 12th grade.
Take a train ride through the Safari Park to get up close and personal with the fastest land mammal on earth – the cheetah, the ultimate experience! The Aquarium has over 80 exhibits to give you a glimpse into the wild underwater world of sharks, rays, and more. Dragon World features giant ectotherms – reptiles that use their environments to control their body temperatures. Adventure Land brings you amazing animals from North and South America like tapirs, mountain lions, red foxes, and more. The modernized Wildlife World Zoo’s indoor and outdoor exhibits feature creatures from around the world.

Is homeschooling for you?
The community of homeschool families is diverse. One study reports that 41% of homeschool students are Hispanic, Black, Asian, or other non-White/non-Hispanic groups (2). Homeschoolers come from all faiths – Christians, Jews, Muslims, agnostics, atheists. Teaching parents have a range of formal education, from high school diplomas to graduate degrees, and cover the array of household incomes.
How do you homeschool?
While laws regulating home education vary from state to state, homeschooling IS legal in all 50 states. Many states offer more than one option. One of the first steps in your family’s homeschool journey is to become familiar with the laws in your state. Then the fun begins!
Click on your state below for resources on homeschool regulations, state homeschool organizations, homeschool conventions in your area (here’s why these are amazing for new and experienced homeschool parents), as well as other homeschool perks in your state.
Information pages are being added for EVERY state. Subscribe so you don’t miss the resources for your state.
Disclaimer: Please note that the information on this page is provided for your convenience as a research tool and resource as to where to find the information you need to homeschool in your state. The team at 3 Moms Blog are not attorneys. This content has not been reviewed by an attorney. It is not legal advice.
Brian D. Ray. (2017) A systematic review of the empirical research on selected aspects of homeschooling as a school choice, Journal of School Choice, 11:4, 604-621, accessed April 7, 2023 at https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15582159.2017.1395638
US Department of Education. (2019) Homeschooling in the United States: Results from the 2012 and 2016 Parent and Family Involvement Survey (PFINHES: 2012 and 2016). Accessed 4/7/2023 at https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2020/2020001.pdf