We’re moving our free printables into block posts, so you can easily find them all under that tag. While they are being added, you can still find them here!

montessori-inspired bee learning pack for pre-k & elementary

This FREE 59-page printable of bee-themed learning features a variety of activities for pre-k and elementary students: Montessori 3-part cards, bee life cycle activities, math, language & more!

This will help your child with fine motor skills, letter sounds, letter recognition, forming letters, handwriting, reading comprehension, writing, developing a gratitude mindset, counting, number recognition, multiplication, and science.

montessori-inspired spring printable pack

Montessori 3-part cards, plant, frog, and butterfly life cycle activities, nature hunts, and more!

free montessori homeschool printables

inspirational quotes coloring book

Words to inspire and relax in this 30-page book with beautiful illustrations

free montessori homeschool printables

beekeeping 101 checklist

The beekeeping supplies and to-do list you need to get started beekeeping.

homeschool high school transcript cheat sheet and fillable diploma

Do NOT fear the high school transcript!

learning about memorial day unit study

Observe Memorial Day in a special way that honors those who sacrificed their lives for our country. Unit study is for pre-k to 8th grade.

film review homeschool writing guides

The activities pair well when utilizing streaming services in learning or for guiding critical writing.

free budget meal plan

Family (for 4 or 5) dinners for 30 days under $150 budget and only 2 days of meal prep!

don’t miss a thing!

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