3 Moms Blog

Convention Speakers and Featured Authors

Antoinette Julian has been a featured speaker at the Arizonans for Home Education (AFHE) Homeschool Convention (we made our debut as a new blog here, thank you, AFHE!), Rock Mountain Homeschool Conference (CHEC), Great Homeschool Conventions, Home Educators of Virginia (HEAV) Convention, Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Conventions, North Dakota’s Home Educators Convention, Central Valley Homeschool Convention, HSC Homeschool Conference, SEA Homeschool Conference, and presented workshops at many more, like the Southeast Homeschool Expo, FPEA, CAPE New Mexico, CHAP, MassHope, and ENOCH.

Antoinette was also featured on Rent promoting the easy power of the Montessori work journal in Allie Drinkward’s article, “15 Homeschool Activities for Kids,” the CHEC Homeschool Blog, and other Montessori blogs.

Some of the topics Antoinette workshops cover are:


Follow the Child: How Montessori Can Spark Your Child’s Intrinsic Motivation

Montessori is a unique educational approach that nurtures a child’s innate desire to learn. The philosophy is a natural fit for homeschooling and perfect for use with children of any age or ability. Employing Montessori techniques as early as possible puts your child on the path to becoming a confident, self-motivated learner (hooray for self-motivated!). Antoinette guides you through the power of focusing on the whole child and advancing his or her development with phrases and activities that increase intrinsic motivation – plus the things to avoid doing, as they often unintentionally demotivate the child.


The How-to-Guide for Teaching Hands-on Phonics, Handwriting, and Grammar (pre-k/early elementary)

Language development is key to a child’s learning and a cornerstone of Montessori education. It draws many parents to the Montessori method. Come discover the secrets of the movable alphabet, sensory tracing, hands-on grammar, and more. Antoinette LaGrossa guides you through hands-on activities that can be added to any curriculum, some using materials you have around the house. These Montessori-based activities will have your preschool/early elementary child asking for more. The multi-sensory approach also provides powerful support for special needs.

maria calderoni

Maria Calderoni’s humorous parenting, homeschool, and family counseling writing has been a featured on Vocal, The Thrifty Widow, and more.

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